Georgetown University

Chevalier dans l'Ordre National du Mérite, awarded by the French Government, 2006

Photos: Milena Santoro

Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, awarded by the French Government, 2002
Speech by Roland Celette, Attaché culturel, French Embassy
Speech by Deborah Lesko-Baker, Chair, Department of French

Selected as a Georgetown Woman of Distinction by the Georgetown University Women Center, January 2000

Georgetown University Vicennial Medalist, November 13, 1993

Selected member, Jury for the Prix Yourcenar (to be awarded each year in Boston to a work of fiction written in French by a United States resident), 1992-present

Selected member, Pen Club, France, 1992

Selected member, Maison des Écrivains, France, 1992

Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques, awarded by the French Government. August 1991

With Anne Lewis Loubignac, French Cultural Attaché, French Ambassador's Residence in Washington, D.C.

Nominated for the Prix Goncourt 1991, for the book Histoire d'Eurydice pendant la remontée

Recipient of a Certificate of Appreciation for Significant Contribution to the Success of Georgetown University's Bicentennial Celebration, from Charles L. Currie, S.J., Director

Nominated by Georgetown University for “The Professor of the Year Award” given by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, May 1989

Invited Writer in Residence, Académie de France à Rome (Villa Medici), July 1985

Recipient of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques Prize, Bourse Marcelle Blum, June 1984, for the book Regard sur les Françaises

Selected as Presidential lecturer, Georgetown University, May 1984 (Lecture on “Women in the Era of Cathedrals”)

Recipient of the Académie Française Prize, Fondation Biguet, May 1984, for the book Regard sur les Françaises

National Research Council grant for preparing an intercultural program at Georgetown University, Department of Education, 1982

Recipient of the Académie française Prize, Fondation Roland de Jouvenel, May 1979, for the book Colette, libre et entravée

Finalist of the “Bourse Goncourt de la Biographie” (French literary award), 1978

Fall Semester 1996

La mano de Marguerite Yourcenar: Cocina, escritura y biografía. Santiago: Catalonia, 2014, 172 pp. (with Sonia Montecino)

De l'Alcôve à l'Arène : Nouveau regard sur les Françaises. Paris : Éditions Robert Laffont, 2007, 563 pp.

Jacques le Français, pour mémoire du Goulag. Paris: Cherche-Midi Éditeur, 2002, 380 pp. (In collaboration with Jacques Rossi).

ラーゲリのフラ ンス人 : 収容所群島 漂流24年. 著者標 目 [Japanese Edition ]. Tokyo: Kegado Publishers, 2004

Жак-француз. В память о ГУЛАГе [ Russian Edition]. Moscow: New Literary Observer, 2019

Jacques the Frenchman: Memories of the Gulag. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, January 2020

Le Livre de l'amitié: Parce que c'était lui. Paris : Éditions Seghers, 1997, 511 pp. (an anthology, in collaboration with Arnaud Blin).

Vous, Marguerite Yourcenar: La Passion et ses masques. Paris: Éditions Robert Laffont, 1995, 426 pp.

Marguerite Yourcenar, de gemaskeerde passie. Amsterdam: Anthos, 1996.

Tu, Marguerite Yourcenar: La passione e le sue maschere. Florence: Le Lettere, 1996.

Marguerite Yourcenar: La pasión y sus máscaras. Buenos Aires: Perfil Libros, 1998.

Regard sur les Françaises. Paris: Éditions Stock, 1984, 668 pp. Reprinted in paperback, Paris: Éditions du Seuil, Collection Points, 1985, 667 pp.

Colette, libre et entravée. Paris: Éditions Stock, May 1978, 450 pp. Reprinted in paperback, Paris: Éditions du Seuil, Collection Points, 1984, 484 pp.

Colette, Free and Fettered. New York: William Morrow Editor, March 1980, 479 pp. (American version).

Colette, A Biography. London : Michael Joseph Editor, 1981, 479 pp. (British version).

Colette, una vita libera e condizionata. Milano: Edizione Bompiani, 1981, 413 pp.

Marguerite Yourcenar, « Zénon, sombre Zénon » . Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 2023 (critical edition of Marguerite Yourcenar’s correspondence; annotation by Joseph Brami, with Rémy Poignault, and the collaboration of Bruno Blanckeman and Colette Gaudin; preface and coordination by Joseph Brami and Michèle Sarde).

Marguerite Yourcenar, « Le pendant des Mémoires d’Hadrien et leur entier contraire ». Paris : Éditions Gallimard, 2019 (critical edition of Marguerite Yourcenar’s correspondence; annotation by Bruno Blanckeman and Rémy Poignault, preface and coordination by Élyane Dezon-Jones and Michèle Sarde).

Marguerite Yourcenar, En 1939, l’Amérique commence à Bordeaux: Lettres à Emmanuel Boudot-Lamotte (1938 - 1980) , Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 2016 (Marguerite Yourcenar’s letters to Emmanuel Boudot-Lamotte, annotation and preface by Élyane Dezon-Jones and Michèle Sarde).

Marguerite Yourcenar, Persévérer dans l’être. Paris : Éditions Gallimard, 2011 (critical edition of Marguerite Yourcenar’s correspondence; annotation by Joseph Brami and Rémy Poignault with the collaboration of Maurice Delcroix, Colette Gaudin, and Michèle Sarde; preface by Joseph Brami and Michèle Sarde).

Marguerite Yourcenar, Une volonté sans fléchissement : Correspondance 1957-1960. Paris : Éditions Gallimard, 2007 (critical edition of Marguerite Yourcenar’s correspondence; annotation and preface by Joseph Brami and Maurice Delcroix; edition coordination by Colette Gaudin and Rémy Poignault with the collaboration of Michèle Sarde).

Marguerite Yourcenar, D’Hadrien à Zénon. Paris: Éditions Gallimard (Marguerite Yourcenar’s Correspondence, 1951-1956, with Joseph Brami, Maurice Delcroix, Élyane Dezon-Jones, Colette Gaudin, and Rémy Poignault).

Memories for the 21 st Century: Selected Cultural Experiments in 20 th Century France Washington: Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, Georgetown University, 2002 (with Jean-Max Guieu).

Marguerite Yourcenar, Lettres à ses amis et quelques autres. Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1995 (critical edition of Marguerite Yourcenar’s Correspondence, with Joseph Brami and with the collaboration of Elyane Dezon-Jones). Reprinted in paperback, Paris: Éditions Gallimard, Collection Folio, 1997.

Marguerite Yourcenar: Lettere ai contemporanei. Torino: Einaudi, 1995.

Marguerite Yourcenar: Nauwkeurig, met verbeten hartstocht, Amsterdam, Antwerpen: Uitgeverij, 2000.

Marguerite Yourcenar, Cartas a sus amigos, Alfaguara, Madrid, 2000.

Γράμμ ατα σε φί λους και όχ ι μόνο [Greek edition]. Athens: Χατζηνι κολη, 2004

Communications and Media in Contemporary French Culture, special issue of Contemporary French Civilization, Vol. XIII, No.2, Fall 1989 (with Monique Bilezikian).

“Parallel Fates: Crossing Nazi Germany” and “The Ghetto’s Little Fiancée,” from À la recherche de Marie J. (Paris: Julliard, 2019), translated by Rupert Swyer. In Marjorie Agosín (Ed.), The House of Memory (pp. 51-63). Poole, England: Solis Press, 2022.

“Writing my Life.” In Nashim, A Journal of Jewish Women Studies & Gender Studies, number 39, consulting editors: Marjorie Agosín, Jelena Filipović and Oana Hergenröther, The Shechter Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem; The Hadassah-Brandeis Institute, and Indiana University Press, 2021.

“My First Childhood Memories” and “The Executed of the Cours Berriat,” from Returning from Silence. In Bárbara Mujica (Ed.), Collateral Damage: Women Write about War. Charlottesville and London: University of Virginia Press, 2021.

“Colette : L’écrivaine qui brise les chaînes” and “Marguerite Yourcenar : Écrivaine du passé, combattante de l’avenir.” In Martine Fournier (Ed.), Histoires de pionnières (pp. 203-212). Paris: Sciences Humaines Éditions, 2018.

“Lettre d’ici-bas”, In Guillemette Racine (Ed.), Dominique Desanti: Une femme à sa fenêtre. Paris: Éditions du Chat, 2017.

“Gracia Nasi (1510-1569). Gracia e Joseph Nasi: un'aquila a due teste.” In Annamaria Laserra (Ed.), Le Signore dei Signori della storia. Roma: Franco Angeli, 2013.

“The Disaster”, from Histoire d'Eurydice pendant la remontée (Paris: Seuil, 1991), translated and presented by Milena Santoro. In Eva Martin Sartori and Madeleine Cottenet-Hage (Eds.), Daughters of Sarah (pp. 190-204). Teaneck, NJ: Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc., 2006.

“Brigitte Peskine, Sweet Waters of Europe.” (pp.97-117). In Eva Martin Sartori and Madeleine Cottenet-Hage (Eds.), Daughters of Sarah. Teaneck: Holmes & Meier Publishers, Inc., 2006.

“As mulheres.” In Betty Milan (Ed.), O Século (pp.97-117). Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo: Editora Record, 1999.

“The First Steps in a Writer's Career”. In Erica M. Eisenger & Mary Mc Carthy (Eds.), Colette, the Woman, the Writer, (pp. 16-22). University Park and London: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1981.

Persévérer dans l'être. Paris : Éditions Gallimard, 2011 (critical edition of Marguerite Yourcenar's correspondence; annotation by Joseph Brami and Rémy Poignault with the collaboration of Maurice Delcroix, Colette Gaudin, and Michèle Sarde; preface by Joseph Brami and Michèle Sarde).

Consolação by Betty Milan. Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo: Editora Record, 2009.

Olympe de Gouges et les droits de la femme by Sophie Mousset. Paris: Éditions du Félin, Les Marginaux, 2003.

Sources II, edition of Marguerite Yourcenar texts by Élyane Dezon-Jones, Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1999, pp.7-32.

Le Perroquet et le docteur by Betty Milan. Paris: Éditions de l'Aube, 1998, pp. 179-188.
O Papagaio e o doutor by Betty Milan. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Record, 1991.

Lettres à ses amis et quelques autres, edition of Marguerite Yourcenar correspondence (with Joseph Brami). Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1995, pp. 13-25.

Media and Communications in Contemporary French Culture, special issue of Contemporary French Civilization, Vol. XIII, No. 2, Fall 1989, pp. 131-143.

Métisse blanche by Kim Lefèbvre. Paris: Éditions Bernard Barrault, 1989, pp. 7-12. Coll. J'ai lu, pp. 5-12.

Lettres, by Colette and Sido. Paris: Éditions des Femmes, 1984, pp. XI-XXIII.

In refereed journals

“Ligne de démarcation: L'Écriture et la vie”, French Contemporary & Francophonic Studies: Sites, vol. 13, issue 5, December 2009: 531-538

“Regard sur un regard: Exception française ou exception américaine. A Glance at a Glance: French Exception or American Exception”, French Contemporary & Francophonic Studies: Sites, vol. 4, issue 1, Spring 2000: 219-235.

Presentations of Dominique Desanti and Françoise Xénakis in “De Marie de France à Marie Ndaye: Critique et répertoire bibliographique des femmes-écrivains de langue française”. Paris : Éditions Karthala, with the support of UNESCO, 1996.

“Représentations des Juifs chez Marguerite Yourcenar”, Littératures, special issue “Marguerite Yourcenar et la Méditarranée” (Centre de Recherches sur les Littératures Modernes et Contemporaines, Clermont-Ferrand, France) (1995): 71-82

“De la prison à la planète: la dimension universaliste de l'exil en Amérique”, Bulletin de la Société Internationale d'Études Yourcenariennes, special issue (Université de Tours) (March 1995): 399-411.

“Trouble de l'Herméneutique dans La Nouvelle Eurydice de Marguerite Yourcenar”, Bulletin de la Société Internationale d'Études Yourcenariennes, special issue (Université de Tours) (June 1995): 175-187.

“Le Moi détourné dans Quoi? L'Eternité de Marguerite Yourcenar”, Bulletin de la Société Internationale d'études Yourcenariennes, no. 8, (June 1991): 83-101.

“L'Action du Ministère des Droits de la femme : Un Bilan”, The French Review, 61, no. 6 (May 1988): 931-941.

“Les Mentalités françaises et le mariage”, Contemporary French Civilization, XI, no. 2 (Spring/Summer 1987): 242-256.

“L'évolution du concept de différence dans le mouvement des femmes en France”, Contemporary French Civilization, VI, no. 1-2 (Winter/Fall 1981/1982): 195-202.

“Lacan, Function and Reference Frames of Words and Language”, Interfaces, no. 7 (Spring 1977).

“Une Pédagogie pour jeunes filles pauvres”, Romantisme (1976): 215-227.

“La fonction de la répétition dans Le Professeur Taranne d'Adamov: Essai d'analyse sémio-analytique”, La Revue du Pacifique (Spring 1976): 61-80.

In other publications

“À distance de son moi”, Le Magazine Littéraire (December 2014, Dossier “Yourcenar vraiment immortelle”): 75-76 (with Élyane Dezon-Jones)

“Portrait de Marguerite Yourcenar”, Label France (French Ministry of Foreign Affairs) (August 1995): 42-43.

“Explorer le jamais vu”, Le Monde des Débats (February 1993): 27.

“The Art of speaking a Foreign Culture”, France Magazine (Spring 1992): 8-9.

“Colette, la Dame du Palais Royal”, Revue du Club français de la médaille (July 1985): 124-125.

“Women in France” [ck title] Carte blanche, Paris-Match (March 1984).

“Sido, Colette: Portraits croisés”, Le Magazine Littéraire (June 1989): 8-9.

“Le dernier Âge d'or des femmes d'Occident”, Le Temps Stratégique, no. 11 (Fall 1984): 93-100.

“Interview imaginaire de Colette”, Le Magazine Littéraire (April 1980).

“Adventure of Intimacy, a Collection of Clues to Colette”, The Washington Post (December 1978).

“Claudine, un Personnage en quête d'auteur”, Hachette Information (July-August 1978).

Claire Duchen. Feminism in France from May 68 to Mitterand . Boston : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986. In The French Review, LXII:4 (March 1989).

Dorothy Stetson Mc Bride. Women's Rights in France. Westport, Ct. : Greenwood Press, 1987. In The French Review, LXII:4 (March 1989).

Steve C. Hause. Hubertine Auclert, the French Suffragette. New Haven: Yale U.P., 1987. In The French Review, LXII:4 (March 1989).

Claire Moses Goldberg. French Feminism in the Nineteenth Century. Albany, N.Y. : State University of New York Press, 1984. In Contemporary French Civilization , XI:1 (Fall 1986).

Margaret Collins Weitz. Femmes: Recent Writings on Women. Boston : G.K. Hall & Co., 1985. In The French Review (December 1986).

Vous doña Gracia: L'aïeule de la tribu perdue, Paris: Mialet-Barrault Éditeurs, 2023

À la recherche de Marie J., Paris: Éditions Julliard, 2019

Revenir du silence: Le récit de Jenny, Paris: Éditions Julliard, 2016

Volver del silencio: El relato de Jenny. Santiago: Cuarto Propio, 2019

Returning from Silence: Jenny’s Story. Chicago: Swan Isle Press, Forthcoming

Constance et la cinquantaine, Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2003.

Le Salon de conversation. Paris: Éditions JC Lattès, 1997, 348 pp. (in collaboration with Catherine Hermary-Vieille).

Histoire d'Eurydice pendant la remontée. Paris: Éditions du Seuil. 1991, 331 pp.

Eurídice: Relato de una travesía. Santiago: Cuarto Propio, 2014

Le Désir fou. Paris: Éditions Stock, 1976, 250 pp.

“Fatrasies pour Violente”. Part I: Sorcières, No. 16. Paris, France. 1976. Part II: La Revue, No. 2. Paris, France, Fall 1978.

Yourcenar sans masque / Unmasking Yourcenar / Yourcenar sin máscara (trilingual edition). Paris: Viviane Hamy, 2014 (with Élyane Dezon-Jones).

“Les Jumeaux d'Amérique”, script for French Television. Téléimages. Spring 1995. 44 pp. In collaboration with Catherine Hermary-Vieille.

Script on the life and works of Colette for the series “Au nom des Femmes”, Antenne 2, Paris, June 1985, 36 pp. Program sponsored by the Ministère des Droits de la femme.

“Jacques Rossi: An Education in the Gulag”
Opening lecture at the conference on The Soviet Gulag: New Research and New Interpretations , organized by the Jacques Rossi Gulag Research Fund
Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., April 25, 2013

“Enfoque comparativo de las mujeres en Francia y Chile” , Conference Diálogos con el conocimiento, Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Santiago, Chile, November 8, 2011

“De la pasión y sus máscaras a Yourcenar sin máscara” , dialogue with Adriana Valdés, Conference Diálogos con el conocimiento, Universidad de Chile, Feria Internacional del Libro, Santiago, Chile, November 2, 2011

Presentation of “Yourcenar sans masque” (“Losing Grace or Unmasking Yourcenar”), play by Élyane Dezon-Jones and Michèle Sarde (forthcoming publication by Éditions Viviane Hamy), with Élyane Dezon-Jones, International conference on “Miroirs de l'altérité chez Marguerite Yourcenar”, Facultad de Artes y Humanidades, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, March 11, 2011

"Succes Story : “L'Ascension sans la chute de Michelle Bachelet, Présidente de la République du Chili” , Université d'été de l'Assemblée des Femmes, La Rochelle, France, August 25, 2010.

Presentation of Sonia Montecino, Fuegos, hornos y donaciones: Alimentación y cultura en Rapa Nui , Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, April 21, 2010.

“Modelo y contra-modelo francés.” Conversatorio: Los desafíos del presente chileno, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, April 7-8, 2009 (Panel “Género y poder: los temas valóricos.” Moderator: Hernán Sandoval. Panelists: Maité Algably, Michèle Sarde, Ximena Valdés.)

“Femmes en politique.” MIT International Symposium: Transmissions: A Celebration of Isabelle de Courtivron, Cambridge, MA, October 16, 17, 18, 2008 (Panel “Women in France.” Moderator: Élyane Dezon-Jones / Panelists: Benedicte Berner, Michèle Sarde, Geneviève Sellier, Susan Suleiman.)

“Écrire d'ailleurs, Écrire l'ailleurs : la correspondance de Marguerite Yourcenar”
Séminaire général : Genèse et correspondance II, Institut des textes et manuscrits modernes , CNRS, Paris, France, May 19, 2008 (with Élyane Dezon-Jones)

“Ligne de démarcation : L'Écriture et la Vie”
Plenary speech at the 20th and 21st Century-French and Francophonic Studies International Colloquium on Limits
Maison française, Embassy of France, Washington D.C., March 7, 2008.
Published in Limits/Limites II, December 2009

“De la alcoba a la arena: Nuevos territorios de las mujeres”, lecture at the Biblioteca de Santiago, Chile,
November 7, 2006. Texto de la conferencia - Texte de la conférence

“Celui qui a dit qu'un écrivain écrivait toujours le même livre ne pensait pas à moi.” Lecture at Le Comptoir, French bookstore, Santiago, Chile, April 22, 2005.

“Constance et la cinquantaine.” Lecture at the Association démocratique des Français de l'étranger, Washington, D.C., October 17, 2003.

“Jacques le Français : pour mémoire du goulag”, Alliance française, Washington, D.C., January 10, 2003.

“Regard sur un regard, Évolution du concept de spécificité française”, Twentieth Century French Studies Colloquium, University of Connecticut, April, 2002.
Published in Sites, Spring 2000

“Yourcenar entre deux siècles : Paradoxe sur la condition féminine”. Paper presented at the international colloquium “Marguerite Yourcenar, Écrivain du XIX e siècle ?”, Université Aristote de Thessalonique, Thessalonica, Greece, November 3, 2000.

“L'Amitié par les textes. Petite histoire du plus vieux sentiment du monde”, guest conference, SAMLA Annual Convention, Atlanta GA, november 1997.

“Pour un dialogue avec Marguerite Yourcenar”, Maison Descartes, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 21, 1996.

“Sur Marguerite Yourcenar”, Campidoglio, Università Roma Tre, Rome, Italy, June 18, 1996.

“Le Refoulement du féminin dans les textes archaïques de Marguerite Yourcenar”. Paper presented at Special Session “The Paradox of sexual ambiguity”, MLA Convention, San Diego, CA, December 1995.

“Marguerite Yourcenar, une Écriture de l'exil”. Lecture at the Istituto di Lingue e Letterature Romanze, Universita degli Studi di Parma, Parma, Italy, May 1995.

“Fragilité et dureté de Marguerite Yourcenar”. Lecture at the Théâtre-poème, Brussels, Belgium, April 1995.

“De la prison à la planète : la dimension universaliste de l'exil en Amérique”. Paper presented at the International Conference on Marguerite Yourcenar, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain . November 1993.

“Women in France in the 90's”. Smithsonian series on “Contemporary France”. Washington, D.C. May 1993. In collaboration with Madeleine Cottenet-Hage.

“Marguerite Yourcenar”. William Falls Lecture, University of Maryland at College Park, MD. April 1993

“Yourcenar et l'Amérique”. Lecture at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. March 1992.

“L'Écrivain dans ses manuscrits : Marguerite Yourcenar”. Paper presented at the International Colloquium on Twentieth Century French Studies. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. March 1992.

“Marguerite Yourcenar dans sa correspondance”. Paper presented at the MLA Convention, San Francisco, CA. December 1991.

“Literature and History”. Lecture at Baruch College, City University, New York, N.Y. November 1991.

“Presentation of Yourcenar's papers”. Paper presented at the Hommage à Marguerite Yourcenar. Houghton Library, Harvard University, Boston, MA . October 1991.

“Yourcenar et l'Amérique”. Lecture at the “Journées Yourcenar”, Harvard University, Boston, MA . October 1991.

“Écrire ailleurs”. Lecture on Marguerite Yourcenar at the Romance Colloquium. Washington, University, Saint Louis, MO. October 1991.

“Le roman, le lecteur et l'auteur”. Lecture on Histoire d'Eurydice pendant la remontée . Maison française, French Embassy. Washington, D.C. September 1991.

“Mythes et représentations du juif chez Marguerite Yourcenar”. Paper presented at the International Conference on Marguerite Yourcenar et la Méditerranée. Clermont Ferrand, France. May 1991.

“Presentation of Histoire d'Eurydice pendant la remontée”. ADFE, Washington, D.C. March 1991.

“Marguerite Yourcenar”. Lecture at the Alliance Française, Philadelphia, PA. March 1991.

“Troubles de l'Herméneutique dans La Nouvelle Eurydice de Marguerite Yourcenar”. Paper presented at the Conference on Marguerite Yourcenar: Roman, histoire et mythe, Antwerp, Belgium. May 1990.

“Le Moi détourné dans Quoi ? L'Éternité de Marguerite Yourcenar”. Paper presented at the MIFLC, Clemson University, SC, September 1989.

Opening address at the Conference on Media and Communication in Contemporary French Culture, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. November 1988.

“The Situation of Women in France”. Paper presented at the AATF Convention in San Francisco, CA. July 1987.

“Contemporary French Women”. Lecture at the Contra Costa College, CA. March 1986.

“The French Marriage”. Paper presented at the AATF AATG AATI ACTFL 1985 Joint Annual Meeting, New York, N.Y. November 1985.

Various talks on Colette at the Villa Médici, Rome, Italy. July 1985.

“Colette à Limas”. Talk at the Festival du Beaujolais, France. May 1985.

“Les Femmes et l'Europe”. Paper presented at the Colloquium on Women and the Future organized by the Ministère des Droits de la Femme, Paris, France. March 1984.

“Des Pétroleuses et des autres”. Lecture at the Association des Français de l'Étranger, Washington, D.C. February 1982.

“Colette : La Féminité comme mythe et réalité”. Lecture at the University of Delaware. November 1980.

“The Evolution of the Concept of Difference in French Feminism”. Paper presented at the Conference on Contemporary French Civilization and Its Impact on North American Politics and Society. State University of New York at Buffalo . October 1980.

“L'Ecriture féminine à travers le texte de Colette”. Lecture at the Faculté des Lettres, Clermont-Ferrand, France. May 1980.

“Colette, libre et entravée”. Lecture at the Centre Culturel Valéry Larbaud, Vichy, France . April 1980.

“La Femme américaine et la ville”. Guest lecture, Seminar on “La Femme et la ville” at the Université de Paris IV. Paris, France . April 1980.

“Women's Liberation through Colette's Writings”. Lecture at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. April 1979.

“The Paradox of Freedom”. Lecture at Goucher College. Towson, MD. March 1979.

“Colette ou la libération par la mère”. Lecture at the Washington Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French. Washington, D.C. February 1979.

“Colette: La Dialectique de la liberté”. Lecture at the University of Delaware . December 1978.

“Women, Writers and Status”. Lecture at the French Library, Boston, Ma. December 1978.

“La Dialectique de la liberté dans l'oeuvre de Colette”. Lecture at the Alliance française, Washington, D.C., May 1978.

“La Féminité comme mythe et réalité dans les romans de Colette”. Lecture at the Alliance Française. New York, N.Y. March 1978.

“Lacan: Language and the Unconscious”. Paper presented at the Annual Round Table on Linguistics, Georgetown University. Washington, D.C. March 1977.

“Colette ou comment on devient Écrivaine en 1900”. Lecture at the Alliance française, Washington, D.C. March 1977.

“Colette: A Sociological Approach”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the MMLA. Saint Louis, MO, November 1976.

“Le Silence de la mer”. Lecture at the Alliance Française. Washington, D.C. Feberuary 1971.